Inzikhistn [The Introspectivists]
![the poets](images/inzik.gif)
Beginning in the late 1910s, a group of poets called the Inzikhistn or
"Introspectivists" formed in New York. They typically wrote in free verse
and reversed the trend of the Yunge for symbolism and lyrical, mood poetry.
The reflected the growing urban life and the "jazz age." They wrote a
manifesto to introduce their first collective volume In Zikh ["in oneself']
signed by the poets
Yankev (Jacob) Glatstein,
Aron Glantz-Leyeles, and
N.B. Minkov. They were the first modernist Yiddish poets, absorbing other
international modernist trends of their times. They were intellectuals and
their poetry reflects their inner selves. Many poets searching for a modern
means of expression joined their ranks and published in their journal, In
Zikh, including
Celia Dropkin, Gabriel Preil, in America, and Avrom Sutskever and others,
in Europe.
In Zikh [In oneself]