Di Linke [Leftist Writers]
After the Russian Revolution, and the founding of the Soviet Union, many Yiddish writers
and cultural activists who had been politically socialist or sympathetic to "radical" politics
were drawn to the new Bolshevist ideals emanating from Russia. In September 1921, the Jewish
Socialists Federation split into a left and right wing. The left wing later unites with the
Communist Party in America. In April 1922, the Yiddish left starts publishing its own daily
paper, "The Freheit" [Freedom], later called, "Der Morgn Freiheit" [The Morning Freedom]
(see photo above). The writers associatied with this group stressed the class struggle and
oppressed proletariat. Though artistically limited by "the party line," several important
Yiddish writers did emerge from this group, particularly
Moyshe Olgin and
Moyshe Nadir.