This pie chart is designed to show how states with a smaller population size are overrepresented and larger states are underrepresented in the U.S. Senate, since it uses state boundaries rather than population as the basis for representation. The pie chart is divided into two, to depict the number of states that could amass a majority in the Senate (i.e., more than 50 Senate votes), and what population they represent. The smaller pie slice includes 26 states (i.e., 52 votes), ranking from 25th to 50th in population, and accounting for 18% of the total U.S. population). The bigger pie slice represents the 24 states with the largest population sizes (accounting for 82% of the total US population, but not a majority of Senate votes). Thus, just 18 percent of the total population could control a majority vote in the Senate. Clearly, people who live in smaller states are overrepresented (have more political power) while larger states are underrepresented in Senate (wielding less political power).
