"Este es el corrido de un pachucón
"This is a story of a badass pachuco
de por allá de Robstown, Tejas.
from Robstown, Texas.
Se creia muy slica y
He thought he was pretty slick
le dieron chicharrón.
but he ended up getting burned.
Ahora verás:"
Here’s how it happened."
Voy a cantarles un corrido muy alba,
I’m going to sing you a great corrido
Lo que ha pasado en la Main de Robstown;
About what happened on Main St. in Robstown
este es la historia de un pachuco muy locote,
This is the story of one bad ass pachuco
era muy loco, traficante y corredor.
Who was a drug trafficer and a real wild guy.
Juan se llamaba pero le decían "El Chonny",
His name was Juan, but everyone called him,"Chonny"
My taralailo, muy engreído en el amor,
He liked to get high, very confident in the ways of love
a las pachucas más greñudas se llevaba,
only the wildest pachuca girls he would take
allá en McAllen no dejaba ni una flor.
Over in McAllen he didn’t leave a single flower untouched.
Un domingo que andaba muy taralialo,
One Sunday, when he was pretty drunk
a la cantina le corrieron a chismear:
They came to the bar and told him
—Cuídate, Chonny, que por ahí te andan wachando,
"Take care, Chonny, cause they’re watching you
son muchos cholos, no te vayan a filorear.
There are many cholos, don’t let them stab you."
No tuvo tiempo de montar en su carrucha,
He didn’t have time to get into his car
filero en basia le echaron de a montón,
Knives in hand they ganged up on him
—¡Ando muy alto—les gritaba—y no me aguito!
"I’m really high," he yelled at them, "And I ain’t skeerd!"
cuando un filero atravesó su corazon.
It was then a knife entered his heart.
Ya las cantinas de la Main están cerradas,
Now the bars on Main St. are closed
todo los cholos se dedican a rezar,
all the cholos are off praying
y por las calles las cholitas van pasando
and down the streets pass the cholas
a ver a Chonny que lo van a embalsamar.
To see Chonny before he’s embalmed.
Allá en un chante ya muy triste llora un chavo,
Over there, in a house a boy is sadly crying
y las pachucas ni se acuerdan por su Juan,
and the pachucas don’t even remember his Juan
y entra su jefa y lo consuela con cariño,
and his mom enters to comfort him with love
porque al Chonito no le queda ni un carnal.
Because little Chonny is left without a brother.
Aquí termino de cantarles esta historia
This is where I stop singing the story
de un pachucote muy engreído en el amor,
of a bad ass pachuco, very confident in the ways of love
que se creyó de las pachucas más greñudas,
Who believed in the wildest of pachucas
por eso mismo lo mandaron al panteón.
And for this reason they sent him to the grave.