Bibliography and Credits

Águilar Camín, Héctor y Lorenzo Meyer. In the Shadow of the Mexican Revolution: Contemporary Mexican History, 1910-1989. Trans. Luis Alberto Fierro. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, 1993

Avitia, Antonio. "La verdadera historia de Valentín de la Sierra." Atzlán, Alburquerque: Academia/El Norte; 22:1, pp. 73-90, Spring 1997.

Bailey, David C. Viva Cristo Rey, The Cristero Rebellion and the Church-State Conflict in Mexico. Austin and London: University of Texas Press, 1974.

Ceja Reyes, Víctor. El Catorce y la guerra cristera. México, D. F.: Editorial Universo, S. A., 1983.

Díaz, José y Román Rodríguez. El movimiento cristero: sociedad y conficto en Los Altos de Jalisco. México, D. F.: Editorial Nueva Imagen, S. A., 1979.

Gonzales, Michael J. The Mexican Revolution 1910-1940. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press, 2002.

González Navarro, Moisés. Cristeros y agraristas en Jalisco, vol. 2. México, D. F.: El Colegio de México, 2001.

Mendoza, Vicente T. El corrido mexicano. México: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1954

Meyer, Jean A. La cristiada, Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 1976.

Negrete, Marta Elena. Enrique Gorostieta Cristero Agnóstico, México, DF.: Universidad Iberoamericano, 1981.

Paredes, Américo. A Texas-Mexican Cancionero: Folksongs of the Lower Border. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1995.

Original Engraving of Valentín de la Sierra by Alfonso Huerta

Photographs from Corridos de la Rebellion Cristera, La Cristiada, Viva Cristo Rey, The Cristero Rebellion and the Church-State Conflict in Mexico, Enrique Gorostieta Cristero Agnóstico, El Museo Nacional Cristero, and "Time Magazine," December, 1924,

Web Design and Text by Elizabeth Garcia and Mike McKinley

Special thanks to Gary Dickerson for technical advice and assistance.

And our warmest personal thanks to Dr. James R. Nicolopulos whose infectious enthusiasm for the corridos of Mexico made this site possible.

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