Corridos of the Cristero Rebellion,
or La Cristiada as it is known in Spanish.
Text, audio, video, graphics and historical information.
Elisabeth García
Mike McKinley
Corridos related to the life and death of General Alvaro Obregón.
Text, audio, video, graphics and historical information.
María Bournakis
Víctor García
John Hernández
Marisol Sánchez
Corridos of so-called "Pre-Revolutionary Bandits" from the late
nineteenth century.
Text, audio, video, graphics and historical information.
Trent Romriell
Tekisha Scott
Some corridos of Gen. Emiliano Zapata and the Zapatista Movement.
Text, audio, video, graphics and historical information.
Brad Haas
Davíd Ramírez
Corridos de mujeres valientes: de los 1970s hasta la actualidad
Text, audio, video, graphics and historical information.
Azure D. Osbourne-Lee
Lissette Martínez
Anna Alicia Carlin
Corridos of Undocumented Immigration
Text, audio, graphics and analysis.
Cassandra García
Patricia Mancilla
Griselda Solís
Emily Tarver
Contrabandista Corridos of the Prisoner's Lament type from the 1920s & 1930s
Text, audio, graphics and analysis.
Drew Barnes
Robert Hesselbach
Liza Horowitz
"El Corrido de Uríangato":
The Heroic Defense of the Central Mexican town of Uríangato against
"Villista" bandits during the Mexican Revolution
Text, audio, graphics and analysis.
María Domínguez
Roxana Elizondo