Corridos de Iraq y 9/11 |
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All these corridos recorded shortly after the attacks of 9/11 are from Los Angeles and Northern Mexico. We see two very different approaches to these corridos. The first two, which are from Los Angeles, describe the situation, which led to the war on Iraq. The difference lies in that “Guerra por la Paz” has a bit of social commentary about the men that are dying. The last two corridos, recorded in Mexico, denounce the attacks as nothing more than the United States getting what they deserve. They are after all the ones that trained Osama bin Laden. All the corridos could be described as “heroic” corridos the only difference is that the hero changes in each corrido. In “Guerra por la Paz and Tragedia en New York”, the heroes are the soldiers and the many people that died of the attacks and the War on Iraq. In the last two corridos Bin Laden, el error de la CIA and Corrido de Osama bin Laden” the hero is Bin Laden and the way that he stands up against white imperialist forces. Turning against those who have trained him and using it this new acquired knowledge for their downfall. While these ballads are not in typical corrido stanzas or posses all of Duvalier’s six formulaic motifs which would classify them as corridos they all contain an emotional core that without it the principal of image is lost. Guerra por la PazWhile this corrido speaks of the situations that lead to the United States into the war with Iraq, it speaks also about the men that have died because of the war. Most notably illegal residents that because of their legal status could not get a job, attain their voting rights, or even their basic rights as citizens but could easily join the Marines. The practice of recruiting non-U.S. citizens is not new. The armed forces have a long-standing tradition of recruiting soldiers of color and sending them off to the frontlines. Such limitations are justified by the Pentagon for purposes of national security, because immigrants are routinely not granted security clearance. At the end of the corrido as a note of social commentary the authors states of how these men were finally granted U.S. citizenship but only after their deaths. Tragedia en New YorkUnlike Guerra por la Paz, this corrido avoids any heavy politics and instead chooses to show patriotism. It was the first 9/11 corrido to come out on CD. It recounts the events of that notorious day and sends out a warning to that country involved that they should watch out because they do not have long to survive. Bin Laden, el error de la CIARecorded in Northern Mexico, this corrido takes a large political standpoint of blaming the CIA for having trained Osama bin Laden. This political view, of the U.S. being the ones that trained bin Laden, while very much taboo in the United States is one that is widely shared throughout the Third World countries. It speaks of the Taliban as followers of Bin Laden and of the power they possesses. In the end, it states that the biggest mistake the CIA did was to train Bin Laden. Corrido de Osama Bin LadenRecorded in Mexico this very much anti-American corrido speaks of the attacks of 9/11 as merely a response to White imperialism. He speaks of Bin Laden and the Taliban as brave forces who gave their lives to stand up against the evil empire of the United States. It very controversially states that the attacks are White Americas fault. That everything which they have done to the world is now being done to them. The author even goes as far as sending a greeting to Al-Queida forces and all other forces that oppose North American imperialism. |