Corridos de las grandes batallas de la División del Norte
Text, audio, video, graphics and historical information.
Brenda Cervantes,
Cameron Allen,
Josh Nelson
Corridos related to the life and deeds of Osiel Cádenas Guillén.
Text, audio, video, graphics and historical information.
Nicole Garza
Juan Saucedo
Marisol Valero
Corridos recientes de Beto Quintanilla sobre los temas del Golfo.
Text, audio, video, graphics and historical information.
Sylvia García
Some corridos on violent and/or sensational incidents
Text, audio, video, graphics and historical information.
Alyssa Garza
Alejandro Lozoya
Vanessa Morales
Sanjuanita Saánz
Corridos of early Contraband along the Border
Text, audio, video, graphics and historical information.
Adriana Alemán
Stephanie Harrris
Estrella Sahagún
Andrea Weinberg
Corridos agraristas y relacionados
Text, audio, graphics and analysis.
ĞEmily Gibbs
Sharri Rivera
Roya Hajbandeh
Daniel Ramos
Contrabandista Corridos of the Prisoner's Lament type from the 1920s & 1930s
Text, audio, graphics and analysis.
Drew Barnes
Robert Hesselbach
Liza Horowitz
"El Corrido de Uríangato":
The Heroic Defense of the Central Mexican town of Uríangato against
"Villista" bandits during the Mexican Revolution
Text, audio, graphics and analysis.
María Domínguez
Roxana Elizondo