University of Texas at Austin
SPRING -- 2008
COURSE TITLE: Introduction to Spanish-American Literature through Modernism.
MEETING TIME: MWF 2:00-3:00, MEZ 1.212
CROSS-LISTED: Latin American Studies 370S
INSTRUCTOR: Prof. James Nicolopulos
Office: BEN 4.104, Off. Hours: MW 3:30-4:30
Tel.: (512) 232-4532; Fax: (512) 471-8073
DESCRIPTION: This course introduces the student to the critical reading of texts--in Spanish--that focus on the unfolding of five fundamental themes in the development of Spanish-American civilization from its inception up to c. 1911 and the maturation of modernismo:
(1) The Conquests/Encounters -- representations of New World cultures and the Conquest based on first-hand witness;
(2) The Colonial World -- writings from marginal, dissident and/or reformist perspectives within Colonial society;
(3) The Struggle for Independence -- representations of America in search of intellectual independence;
(4) Nation-Building and the Crisis of Post-Colonial Identity -- the dilemma posed in terms of Civilization vs. Barbarism, and the critical reexamination of the Colonial past in the nineteenth century;
(5) Modernismo -- the problematic "coming of age" of a Spanish-American esthetics.
Although the primary goal of the course is close reading of representative texts, appropriate references will be made to the overall historical framework, key literary and intellectual movements, and major currents and debates of criticism.
The course is conducted entirely in Spanish, and the student will cultivate
active critical skills through in-class discussion as well as written analysis
of texts. In addition to selections from the anthology, supplemented by a
photocopied reader, handouts and materials on reserve in the UGL, the student
will read the novel María by Jorge Isaacs.
One short critical essay 20% -- [ Essay Instructions]
One-page topic proposal: 5% 5 ten minute quizzes 5%
3 "Mid-term" exams 20% ea.
Total exams 60% Class Participation 10%
Course total 100%
TEXTBOOKS: Literatura hispanoamericana: antología e
introducción histórica tomo 1. Ed. Enrique Anderson Imbert
and Eugenio Florit. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1970. (Referred to
in Plan as Ant.).
Jorge Isaacs. María.
México: Porrúa, 2006.
Photocopied course reader (referred to in
Plan as Cuaderno). Available at Abel's Copies, 715 W. 23rd, Tower
Court, Suite D, 472-5353.
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