Prof. J. Nicolopulos
1. Corridos de asuntos varios.
2. Texas or Border Corridos Dealing with a Variety of Violent Encounters.
I have a number of historical corridos that treat events in Texas, New Mexico and the border states of Mexico. Most of these have never been researched. These texts represent a special challenge. Apart from the information contained in the ballads themselves, there is not much to go on. Any one of these would require research in newspaper archives, court documents, etc. The risk is that there may be little or no information, or that the case itself will not prove to be particularly interesting. On the other hand, there could be fascinating and illuminating material behind some of these coriidos. A case in point is "Luz Arcos," a corrido which I have already partially documented, but which could be further explicated through more direct research in Hondo, TX (see Pamphlet to Corridos y tragedias de la frontera [Arhoolie/Folklyric CD 7020] pp.143-50). Some of these may even prove to have dimensions of intercultural conflict, etc.
"Alejandra Sánchez." Pts. I & II. Gaytán y Cantú. Rec. San Antonio. 4/4/34. Subject: Husband murders wife in Texas.
"Tragedia de Amado Garza." Pts. I & II. Hermanos Chavarría. Rec. Dallas. 2/6/37. Subject: Murder on Mexican side of Lower Border. Jealousy over a woman seems to have been involved.
"El día cinco de mayo." Cancioneros de los Santos. Rec. San Antonio. November 1929. Subject: Murder.
"Corina Torres." Pts. I & II. Hernández y Flores. Rec. San Antonio. 12/8/30. Subject: Murder, female victim.
"Jesús Aragón." Pts. I & II. Ramón Jazo. Chicago. 8/25/31. Subject: Murder, Revenge.
"José Ríos." Pts. I & II. Gaytán y Cantú. Rec. San Antonio. 4/4/34.
"Juan Flores." Marcos Alvarez y Pedro Zenungia. Rec. San Antonio. April 1934.
"Juanita Alvarado." Cancioneros de los Santos. Rec. San Antonio. November 1929. Subject: Murder, female victim. There is some bibliography to work with on this corrido.
"En el rancho de Lucero." Pts. I & II. Salas y Herrera. Rec. San Antonio. 12/5/30. Subject: Murder.
"Luz Arcos." Pts. I & II. Hermanos Chavarría. San Antonio. April 1931. On Arhoolie/Folklyric CD 7020. Subject: Murder in Hondo, Texas.
"Margarito el tigre de Santiago." Pts. I & II. M. González y Sotero San Miguel. Rec. San Antonio. 12/7/30. Subject: Murder, Revenge. This text is closely related to the corrido Paredes prints as "Alonso," see A Texas-Mexican Cancionero 34-35, 75-77.
"El Pablote." Pts. I & II. Norverto González y José Rosales. Rec. El Paso. 9/8/31. Subject: Murder.
"Corrido de Pedro Sánchez." Pts. I & II. M. González y Sotero San Miguel. Rec. San Antonio. 12/7/30. Subject: Murder.
"Tragedia de Polanco." Pts. I & II. Asunción Romero y Manuel González. Rec. San Antonio. 10/29/38.
"Corrido de Rivera." Lydia Mendoza y Grupo. Rec. San Antonio. 4/8/38. Some bibliography available.
Other Corridos of this general type in the Arhoolie Foundation Frontera Collection.
Basic Bibliography:
Avitia Hernández, Antonio. El corrido histórico mexicano: voy a cantarles la historia. 5 tomos. México: Porrúa, 1997.
Herrera-Sobek, María. "The Acculturation Process of the Chicana in the Corrido." De Colores 6 (1982): 7-16. E 184 M5 D436 V.6 1982 NO.1-2 Benson Latin American Collection
---. "Corridos and Canciones of Mica, Migra, and Coyotes: A Commentary on Undocumented Immigration." Creative Ethnicity: Symbols and Strategies of Contemporary Ethnic Life. Ed. Stephen Stern and John Allan Cicala. Logan: Utah State University Press, 1991. 87-104.
---. Northward Bound: The Mexican Immigrant Experience in Ballad and Song. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1993. UT: Benson ML 3558 H47 1993.
---. "Toward the Promised Land: La frontera as Myth and Reality in Ballad and Song." Aztlán 21 (1992-96): 227-62.
López Castro, Gustavo. El Río Bravo es charco: cancionero del migrante. Zamora, Mich.: El Colegio de Michoacán, 1995.
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