
Counters: sentences
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Study the example sentences, then write sentences equivalent to the English sentences given. Write numbers and counters (including question words) in hiragana, but for other words, use the Kanji characters you have learned in the first year (and Katakana where appropriate). Please end the sentences with「。」 (Japanese period).

There are 3 cats.:    ねこがさんびきいます。 

There are two apples here.:    ここにりんごがふたつあります。 

I ate one apple.:    りんごをひとつ食べました。 

I bought one pen and one book.    わたしはペンをいっぽんと本をいっさつ買いました。  

1.   There is one student.     

2.   There are three students here.    

3.   I bought 5 erasers.:  わたしは

4.   I bought 2 notebooks and 3 ballpoint pens.:  わたしは

5.   There are three teachers and 20 students.     

6.   There are 2 books in the box (inside of the box).     はこの中に

7.   I ate two oranges.:   わたしは

8.   I drank two cups of coffee today.:   今日、わたしは

9.   How many students are there?