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  Japanese Online Self - Help Utility
文法 (Grammar) - 文法リスト

This section is organized into four categories.

じょし (Particles)

活用 (Conjugation): Brief and detailed descriptions of verb conjugation & usage

close grammar ref lists and return to grammar home 文法リスト (Grammar Lists)

English Alphabetical Listing

Jump to letter: A B C D E F G H I J L M N O P R S T U V W X

Japanese Listing

Textbook Listing

open practice list練習 (Practice Quizzes)

文法(ぶんぽう)ビデオ (Grammar videos created by 412L/317C and 320K students)

some of the clip arts: by Clipart Factory (Copyright (C) 2005 RICOH Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved)
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