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文法 (Grammar)- レファレンス


Expressing Results and States of Being
YII - G19

Transitive verbs

Intransitive verbs
Te- form of Transtive verb + ある

te-form of Intransitive verb + いる

Something has been done for some purpose and the resultant state of that action remains.

The agent of the action is not stated.
The agent is unknown, unimportant, or obvious.

Something occurred and the resulting state still remains.[neutral state]



The door door is kept open. (...because my friend is coming.)
That door is open, isn't it?


[expresses a state: The agent of the action not stated.]

My friend is coming, so I kept the door open.
[expresses an action: The agent of the action omitted.]


あそこにとよたさんの車が止まっています。Toyota-san's car is parked there.
あそこにパトカーが止めてあります。The police car is parked there (with some purpose.)