Grammar Videos Made By Students
Select a grammar topic
Accompanying (連れて いく/くる, 持って いく/くる)
Accompanying (連れて いく/くる, 持って いく/くる)
Adjective conjugations
Adjective conjugations
Admonishment and Prohibition (〜てはいけない)
Admonishment and Prohibition (〜てはいけない)
Adverbial Use of Adjectives (〜く、〜に)
Adverbial Use of Adjectives (〜く、〜に)
Advice (~ほうがいい)
Advice (~ほうがいい)
Analogy and Exemplification (〜よう、〜みたい)
Analogy and Exemplification (〜よう、〜みたい)
Appearances (〜よう、~そう、〜らしい、〜みたい)
Appearances (〜よう、~そう、〜らしい、〜みたい)
Attempt (〜ようとする)
Attempt (〜ようとする)
Attributes (〜は〜が)
Attributes (〜は〜が)
〜し (giving reasons: particle table)
〜し (giving reasons: particle table)
〜という (x called Y)
〜という (x called Y)
Because (〜から、〜ので、〜ために)
Because (〜から、〜ので、〜ために)
Before and After (前 and 後)
Before and After (前 and 後)
Causative (させる)
Causative (させる)
Causative Passive (させられる)
Causative Passive (させられる)
Causing something to become [adjective] (〜く/に する) (1)
Causing something to become [adjective] (〜く/に する) (1)
Change in State (〜く/になる) (3)
Change in State (〜く/になる) (3)
Change in State (〜ようになる) (8)
Change in State (〜ようになる) (8)
Commands: polite and plain (〜なさい、〜ろ) (7)
Commands: polite and plain (〜なさい、〜ろ) (7)
Comparatives and Superlatives (〜より〜ほうが;いちばん) (4)
Comparatives and Superlatives (〜より〜ほうが;いちばん) (4)
Comparing 〜よう、~そう、〜らしい、〜みたい、〜でしょう (1)
Comparing 〜よう、~そう、〜らしい、〜みたい、〜でしょう (1)
Conditional たら (〜たら、〜) (3)
Conditional たら (〜たら、〜) (3)
Conditional と (〜と、〜) (2)
Conditional と (〜と、〜) (2)
Deciding to do something (~ことにする) (1)
Deciding to do something (~ことにする) (1)
Desire (ほしい、ほしがる、〜たい、〜たがる) (8)
Desire (ほしい、ほしがる、〜たい、〜たがる) (8)
Direct Quotation (〜という) (1)
Direct Quotation (〜という) (1)
Doing things like such and such (〜たり、〜たり) (4)
Doing things like such and such (〜たり、〜たり) (4)
Effort (〜ようにする) (3)
Effort (〜ようにする) (3)
Expectation (はず) (1)
Expectation (はず) (1)
Explain a Reason (〜の・だ、〜ん・だ) (3)
Explain a Reason (〜の・だ、〜ん・だ) (3)
Expressing different states of actions (〜ところ) (5)
Expressing different states of actions (〜ところ) (5)
Giving & Receiving: objects (あげる、もらう、くれる) (12)
Giving & Receiving: objects (あげる、もらう、くれる) (12)
Humble forms (けんじょう語) (7)
Humble forms (けんじょう語) (7)
Intention (〜つもり and volitional form of verb %2Bと思う) (4)
Intention (〜つもり and volitional form of verb %2Bと思う) (4)
Liking/Disliking (〜は〜が すき/きらい) (2)
Liking/Disliking (〜は〜が すき/きらい) (2)
Negative command (〜な) (6)
Negative command (〜な) (6)
Negative request (〜ないでください) (4)
Negative request (〜ないでください) (4)
Obligation or Duty (〜なくてはいけない、〜なければいけない)
Obligation or Duty (〜なくてはいけない、〜なければいけない)
Opinion (〜と思う) (2)
Opinion (〜と思う) (2)
Passive (〜れる、〜られる) (11)
Passive (〜れる、〜られる) (11)
Permission (〜てもいい) (9)
Permission (〜てもいい) (9)
Polite Request (〜てください) (2)
Polite Request (〜てください) (2)
Polite volitional (〜ましょう) (2)
Polite volitional (〜ましょう) (2)
Potential form (〜eる、〜られる、〜ことができる) (2)
Potential form (〜eる、〜られる、〜ことができる) (2)
Preparatory action (〜ておく) (7)
Preparatory action (〜ておく) (7)
Probability (〜だろう/でしょう;かもしれない ) (2)
Probability (〜だろう/でしょう;かもしれない ) (2)
Progressive (〜ている) (2)
Progressive (〜ている) (2)
Purpose (〜ために、〜ための、〜ように) (3)
Purpose (〜ために、〜ための、〜ように) (3)
Purpose に (〜に行く/来る) (2)
Purpose に (〜に行く/来る) (2)
Relative Clauses (4)
Relative Clauses (4)
Simultaneous Action (〜ながら) (3)
Simultaneous Action (〜ながら) (3)
Succession of actions or events (〜て、〜て、etc) (2)
Succession of actions or events (〜て、〜て、etc) (2)
Te-form of Adjectives and Copula (1)
Te-form of Adjectives and Copula (1)
Transitive and Intransitive verbs -- sentence structures (9)
Transitive and Intransitive verbs -- sentence structures (9)
Wanting someone to do something (〜てほしい) (2)
Wanting someone to do something (〜てほしい) (2)
Whether or Not (〜か、どうか) (3)
Whether or Not (〜か、どうか) (3)
Grammar Topic
: Obligation or Duty (〜なくてはいけない、〜なければいけない)
Select a grammar topic and click on a video link!
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JOSHU Grammar Video
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