
Meanings in English

a. strange

b. time period

c. to hurry

d. alarm clock

e. to send out

f. ahead (of someone)

g. I (for males)

h. to lower

i. difficult

j. meaning

k. to understand

l. trouble

m. sleepy

n. [family name]

o. later

p. P.M.

q. 2:30

r. morning

s. heavy rain,

t. example

u. outside

v. number

w. voice



An Integrated Approach to Intermediate Japanese
第二課会話: 書く漢字

Type the reading of each Kanji compound in Hiragana in the box to the right of it, and then choose the correct English equivalent from the left column and enter the letter (lower case) in the box to the right of the word "English."

1.   急ぐ       English
2.   先に       English
3.   変な       English
4.   出す       English
5.   下げる       English
6.   目覚まし時計       English
7.   時代       English
8.   僕       English
9.   午後       English
10.   大変       English
11.   吉田       English
12.   難しい       English
13.   分かる       English
14.   二時半       English
15.   意味       English
16.   眠い       English
17.   後で       English
18.   外       English
19.   朝       English
20.   大雨       English
21.   声       English
22.   例       English
23.   番号       English