
Meanings in English

a. baseball stadium

b. player selected for team

c. championship

d. cheering

e. participating in

f. to pitch

g. strike-out

h. the professional sumo

i. playing an active part in

j. honorable

k. sumo wrestler

l. region










An Integrated Approach to Intermediate Japanese

Type the reading of each Kanji compound in Hiragana in the box to the right of it, and then choose the correct English equivalent from the left column and enter the letter (lower case) in the box to the right of the word "English."

1.   選手       English
2.   投げる       English
3.   三振       English
4.   優勝       English
5.   野球場       English
6.   応援       English
7.   出場       English
8.   活躍       English
9.   地域        English
10.   大相撲       English
11.   名誉       English
12.   力士       English