
ようこそ I Chapter 2-1 Kanji compound reading quiz (間〜右)
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Type the reading of the Kanji compounds in Hiragana (and in Katakana where appropriate).

1.   一じ間   1 hour

2.   本とノートの間   between a book and a notebook

3.   四じ間半   four hours and a half

4.   九じ半   9:30

5.   本の上   on the book

6.   テレビの下   under the T.V.

7.   かいて下さい   please write

8.   一分   one minute

9.   五分   five minutes

10.   十分   ten minutes

11.   分かります   understand

12.   小さい   small

13.   小さくありません   is not small

14.   大好きです   (I) like (it)

15.   わたしの町   my town

16.   町田さんの左   the left of Mr./Mrs. Machida

17.   町田さんの右   the right of Mr./Mrs. Machida