
Meanings in English

a. feeling

b. worrisome matter

c. round

d. triangle

e. to stand up

f. square

g. rich

h. to hold

i. the fifth corner

j. to be worried

k. to die

l. to be relieved

m. poor at and dislike

n. hospital

o. to be hospitalized

p. oppressively painful

q. to catch a cold

r. headache

s. healthy and energetic

t. to have a fever

u. [my] head hurts

v. pharmacy

w. feel sick

x. hot tea

y. sick

z. pharmacy

aa. before meals

bb. after meals

cc. graduate school


ようこそ II Chapter 4-3/4 Kanji compound reading quiz (丸ー局)

Type the reading of each Kanji compound in Hiragana (and Katakana where appropriate) in the box to the right of it, and then choose the correct English equivalent from the left column and enter the letter (lower case) in the box to the right of the word "English."

1.   丸い       English
2.   三角       English
3.   四角い形       English
4.   五つ目の角       English
5.   持つ       English
6.   気持ち       English
7.   金持ち       English
8.   立つ       English
9.   安心する       English
10.   心配する       English
11.   心配事       English
12.   風ぜをひく       English
13.   苦しい       English
14.   苦手       English
15.   死ぬ       English
16.   元気       English
17.   病気       English
18.   病院       English
19.   入院       English
20.   大学院       English
21.   頭が痛い       English
22.   頭痛       English
23.   気分が悪い       English
24.   熱がある       English
25.   熱いお茶       English
26.   薬屋       English
27.   薬局       English
28.   食前       English
29.   食後       English