
Meanings in English

a. high school

b. for the first time

c. to dropout

d. to grow up

e. elderly person

f. entry to school

g. education

h. middle age

i. school

j. marriage ceremony

k. withdrawal from school

l. elementary school

m. young

n. boyfriend/girlfriend

o. romantic love

p. to love

q. job

r. life

s. middle/junior high school

t. baby

u. entering a new job

v. career

w. to be engaged

x. gymnasium

y. Western style

z. to be born

aa. puppy love/first love

bb. discharge from the hospital

cc. Japanese style

dd. to retire

ee. graduation ceremony

ff. honeymoon

gg. graduation

hh. marriage

ii. there is nothing that can be done about it

jj. to raise

kk. workplace








ようこそ II Chapter 5-1/2/3 Kanji compound reading quiz (校ー式)

Type the reading of each Kanji compound in Hiragana in the box to the right of it, and then choose the correct English equivalent from the left column and enter the letter (lower case) in the box to the right of the word "English."

1.   学校       English
2.   小学校       English
3.   中学校       English
4.   高校       English
5.   入学       English
6.   卒業       English
7.   仕事       English
8.   仕方がない       English
9.   人生       English
10.   生まれる       English
11.   赤ちゃん       English
12.   中年       English
13.   就職する       English
14.   職場       English
15.   職業       English
16.   退職する       English
17.   中退する       English
18.   退学       English
19.   退院       English
20.   育つ       English
21.   教育       English
22.   体育館       English
23.   若い       English
24.   老人       English
25.   愛する       English
26.   恋人       English
27.   恋愛       English
28.   初めて       English
29.   初恋       English
30.   婚約する       English
31.   結婚       English
32.   結婚式       English
33.   和式       English
34.   卒業式       English
35.   洋式       English
36.   育てる       English