
Meanings in English

a. to pick up the receiver

b. musical instrument

c. international

d. weather forecast

e. exchange

f. to take a class

g. answering machine

h. to receive; to get

i. exchange/international student

j. composition

k. registed mail

l. international call

m. to transfer

n. to hit a ball

o. to take a test

p. long telephone conversation

q. wrong telephone number

r. to call back

s. to check; to investigate

t. English sentence

u. area code

v. condiment; seasoning

w. English newspaper

x. call charge

y. comics

z. painter; artist

zz. English language

aa. newspaper

bb. movie theater

cc. to send a letter

dd. postal code (zip code)

ee. post office

ff. literature





ようこそ II Chapter 6-1/2/3 Kanji compound reading quiz (換ー送)

Type the reading of each Kanji compound in Hiragana (and Katakana where appropriate) in the box to the right of it, and then choose the correct English equivalent from the left column and enter the letter (lower case) in the box to the right of the word "English."

1.   交換       English
2.   乗り換える       English
3.   国際       English
4.   国際電話       English
5.   留学生       English
6.   書留       English
7.   留守番電話       English
8.   しけんを受ける       English
9.   受話器を取る       English
10.   楽器       English
11.   クラスを取る       English
12.   受け取る       English
13.   天気予報       English
14.   作文       English
15.   ボールを打つ       English
16.   調べる       English
17.   調味料       English
18.   間違い電話       English
19.   通話料       English
20.   長電話       English
21.   市外局番       English
22.   かけ直す       English
23.   英語       English
24.   英文       English
25.   英字新聞       English
26.   映画館       English
27.   まん画       English
28.   画家       English
29.   郵便局       English
30.   郵便番号       English
31.   新聞紙       English
32.   手紙を送る       English
33.   文学       English