
IJ 第一課、読み物 紹介
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Type the Japanese equivalents introduced in class. Use Hiragana (and Katakana where appropriate) and in dictionary form.

1.   grammar:

2.   ten plus a few hours:

3.   apartment hunting:

4.   to welcome; to meet; to greet:

5.   young:

6.   older [than...]:

7.   way of thinking:

8.   last year:

9.   to be surprised:

10.   to have [someone] stay [over night]:

11.   oneself:

12.   middle-aged:

13.   jet lag:

14.   before long:

15.   International Date Line:

16.   to arrive:

17.   polite:

18.   ~is found:

19.   tonight:

20.   culture shock:

21.   to find (v.i):

22.   acquaintance:

23.   way (of doing something):

24.   airport;

25.   first name:

26.   nearby; in the neighborhood:

27.   and then; after that:

28.   finally; in the end:

29.   somehow, for some reason, no matter how hard one may try:

30.   it takes (with respect to time/money):

31.   quite a lot:

32.   same:

33.   Narita:

34.   to differ; to be different:

35.   to walk:

36.   man; male:

37.   self-introduction:

38.   each other:

39.   diary:

40.   fluently:

41.   to call ~ by:

42.   beautiful:

43.   to sleep:

44.   daughter:

45.   appropriate; suitable:

46.   to take someone to:

47.   to move to [a new place of residence]:

48.   town; city:

49.   to find (v.t):