
IJ 第二課、読み物 あいさつ言葉
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Type the Japanese equivalents introduced in class. Use Hiragana (and Katakana where appropriate) and in dictionary form.

1.   probably:

2.   the other day:

3.   friend:

4.   explanation:

5.   namely; in other words; in short:

6.   good = いい:

7.   face:

8.   words and terms:

9.   for the first time in a long time:

10.   cold (with reference to weather):

11.   to learn; to commit to memory; to learn:

12.   for example:

13.   to offer a meal:

14.   meal:

15.   generally:

16.   in place of that:

17.   addressee; person you are talking to:

18.   Japan and the U.S.:

19.   child:

20.   to translate:

21.   sickness:

22.   to have difficulty [with~], feel in trouble [with~]:  〜に

23.   question:

24.   to correspond [to~], be comparable [to~]:  〜に

25.   to look annoyed; to look puzzled:

26.   guest:

27.   to be decided (v.i.):

28.   set phrase:

29.   to part [from~]; to say farewell [to~]:  〜と

30.   several days ago:

31.   extremely; very; by far:

32.   in response to that:

33.   social education:

34.   common; usual:

35.   important: (な)

36.   person of higher status; one's senior: