
IJ 第五課、読み物 大学で
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Type the Japanese equivalents introduced in class. Use Hiragana (and Katakana where appropriate) and in dictionary form.

1.   prep school for college entrance exams:

2.   tendency:

3.   decrease in the number of children due to low birth rate:

4.   certainly:

5.   to increase (v.i.):  〜が

6.   (emotionally/psychologically) important:

7.   socialization; friendship; association:

8.   (physically) important:

9.   lecture:

10.   (written form of 帰らないで):

11.   [one's] future:

12.   survey; investigation:

13.   to like (v.t.):

14.   after-school school:

15.   club activities; extracurricular activities:

16.   the following year:

17.   every year, year by year:

18.   entrance examination:

19.   reason:

20.   to decrease (v.i.):

21.   mark; score; grade; point:

22.   few; low in number:

23.   of course:

24.   to fail [an exam] (v.i.):

25.   50 percent:  50

26.   age; period:

27.   student who failed a school entrance exam and is seeking another chance:

28.   easy; comfortable; leading an easy life:

29.   to pass [an exam]:  試験に

30.   pupil:

31.   strong:

32.   very hard, with all one's might, as well as one can:

33.   first-rate:

34.   to get a job (e.g. at a firm):

35.   recently:

36.   also: