
ようこそ I Chapter 3 Days of the Month
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Type the Japanese equivalents introduced in class. Use Hiragana (and Katakana where appropriate). Reference: Yookoso I, Ch3

1.   the first  

2.   the second  

3.   the third  

4.   the fourth  

5.   the fifth  

6.   the sixth  

7.   the seventh  

8.   the eighth  

9.   the ninth  

10.   the tenth  

11.   the eleventh  

12.   the twelfth  

13.   the thirteenth  

14.   the fourteenth  

15.   the fifteenth  

16.   the sixteenth  

17.   the seveteenth  

18.   the eighteenth  

19.   the nineteenth  

20.   the twentieth  

21.   the twenty-fouth