
ようこそ I Chapter 4 Weather and Climate
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Type the Japanese equivalents introduced in class. Use Hiragana (and Katakana where appropriate). Reference: Yookoso I, Ch4

1.   weather  

2.   climate  

3.   weather forecast  

4.   it is windy; the wind is strong  

5.   weather map  

6.   good weather (adjective + noun)  

7.   bad weather (adjective + noun)  

8.   to clear up  

9.   to become cloudy; to be cloudy  

10.   to rain  

11.   to snow  

12.   (air) temperature  

13.   5 degrees (counter)  5

14.   warm (weather)  

15.   cool (weather)  

16.   sultry; hot and humid  

17.   the wind blows  

18.   cloudy  

19.   there is a slight breeze; the wind is weak  

20.   typhoon  

21.   5 degrees below zero   5°

22.   high  

23.   low  

24.   hot (weather)  

25.   cold (weather)  

26.   sunny and clear; clear weather