
ようこそ I Chapter 5 Other People's family
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Type the Japanese equivalents introduced in class. Use Hiragana. Reference: Yookoso I, Ch5

1.   your/his/her family  

2.   your/his/her parents  

3.   your/his/her father  

4.   your/his/her mother  

5.   your/his/her child; children  

6.   your/his/her son  

7.   your/his/her daughter  

8.   your/his/her siblings  

9.   your/his/her older brother  

10.   your/his/her older sister   

11.   your/his/her younger brother  

12.   your/his/her younger sister  

13.   your/his/her grandfather  

14.   your/his/her grandmother  

15.   your/his/her grandchild; grandchildren  

16.   husband and wife (couple) -- polite  

17.   husband -- polite  

18.   wife -- polite  

19.   your/his/her uncle  

20.   your/his/her aunt  

21.   your/his/her relative