
ようこそ I チャプター 6 Flavors, Tastes, and Seasonings
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Type the Japanese equivalents (dictionary/plain forms) introduced in class. Use Hiragana (and Katakana where appropriate). Reference: Yookoso I, Ch6

1.   seasoning:

2.   prepared sauce (like steak sauce):

3.   taste good:

4.   not tasty; tastes bad:

5.   miso (fermented soybean paste):

6.   flavor; taste:

7.   pepper:

8.   soy sauce:

9.   salty:

10.   salt:

11.   to taste a sample:

12.   sour:

13.   sweet:

14.   sugar:

15.   astringent:

16.   bitter:

17.   vinegar:

18.   spicy; hot (spicy):

19.   to have no taste:

20.   tasty; delicious: