
ようこそ II チャプター 3 Action Involved in Driving; Car Troubles & Repair
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Type the Japanese equivalents introduced in class. Use Hiragana (and Katakana where appropriate) and in dictionary form.

1.   to increase speed:

2.   to change a tire:

3.   to start the engine:

4.   to buckle up; fasten one's seatbelt:

5.   to sound a (automobile) horn:

6.   to apply the brakes:

7.   motor oil:

8.   to fix a car:

9.    repair (noun):

10.   maintenence:

11.   traffic accident:

12.   a car breaks down:

13.   to get involved in an accident:

14.   to cause an accident:

15.   a car is fixed: