
ようこそ II チャプター 6 Mass Communication (for 317C VQ5)
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Type the Japanese equivalents introduced in class. Use Hiragana (and Katakana where appropriate) and in dictionary form.

1.   mass communication:

2.   (TV, radio) program:

3.   to appear on... (as a performer): テレビに

4.   radio:

5.   journalism:

6.   to convey (information):

7.   book:

8.   to post : 〜をウェッブサイトに

9.   video:

10.   drama:

11.   weekly magazine:

12.   comic book; comic magazine; cartoon:

13.   newspaper:

14.   English-language newspaper:

15.   cookbook:

16.   bookstore:

17.   textbook:

18.   magazine:

19.   dictionary:

20.   novel:

21.   TV personality:

22.   weather forecast:

23.   TV:

24.   newspaper article;

25.   advertisement:

26.   to interview :

27.   news:

28.   educational program:

29.   samurai drama:

30.   animated cartoon:

31.   camera:

32.   to broadcast:

33.   reporter:

34.   two copies of (newspaper, etc):   (counter)

35.   three (books):   (counter)