
ようこそ II チャプター 6 Mail and Postal Services (for 317C VQ5)
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Type the Japanese equivalents introduced in class. Use Hiragana (and Katakana where appropriate) and in dictionary form.

1.   mail:

2.   air mail:

3.   registered mail:

4.   envelope:

5.   surface mail:

6.   picture postcard:

7.   New Year’s card:

8.   to write a reply:

9.   delivery:

10.   post office clerk:

11.   cash registered mail:

12.   to send X by mail:    Xを

13.   recipient’s address:

14.   seal:

15.   to receive:

16.   to mail:

17.   door-to-door package delivery:

18.   sender:

19.   SAL (Sea-and-Air-maiL):

20.   mailbox (for depositing itmes to be mailed) :

21.   to send:

22.   express mail:

23.   stamp:

24.   package;

25.   letter:

26.   postal code:

27.   post card:

28.   address:

29.   post office:

30.   to put a stamp on: