
ようこそ II チャプター 6 Telecommunications (for 317C VQ4)
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Type the Japanese equivalents introduced in class. Use Hiragana (and Katakana where appropriate) and in dictionary form.

1.   to connect to the Internet:

2.   long phone call:

3.   cellular phone:

4.   text message:

5.   telephone charge:

6.   wrong number:

7.   to make a call:

8.   telephone message:

9.   e-mail:

10.   to answer the phone:

11.   the phone rings:

12.   (the line is) busy:

13.   long-distance call:

14.   telephone number:

15.   pay phone:

16.   to hang up the phone:

17.   international call:

18.   facsimile; fax machine:

19.   area code:

20.   to call back:

21.   telephone answering machine: