This is a site about Kyo-kotoba (also called Kyoto-kotoba, Kyoto-ben),
primarily regarding the grammar and accent patterns of Kyoto Japanese.
As this is a work in progress, many of the pages are yet to be complete. A 404 File Not Found error most likely means the page is not yet complete.
However, if you believe the page should exist (i.e. you have accessed it before, but now cannot), please contact the webmaster at
This site uses symbols such as ●○ in order to describe accent patterns.
Details are explained on the Terminology and Symbols page. Please read before continuing.
Section 2 | Phonemes & Accent
- Phonemes
- Kyoto-Osaka Accent
- Peculiarities of Pronunciation, the "Late Rise"
- Relation between Kyoto and Tokyo Accent
- Accent of Nouns and Adverbs
- Accent of Particles, な-adjectives, and 「や・どす」
Accent of い-adjectives
(Table: A Summary of い-adjective Conjugation)
Accent of Verbs
(Table: A Summary of Verb Conjugation)
- Accent of Auxiliary Verbs
- Accent of Compound Words
Section 3 | Differences
- Differences between Kyoto and Osaka Dialects
- Differences between Kyoto and Tokyo Dialects
Section 4 | Summary of Vocabulary & Accent
- Kyo-kotoba Glossary
- Reverse Kyo-kotoba Glossary
Reference Room
(Tables of Noun, Verb, and Adjective Accent etc.)
Resources for Kyo-kotoba Enthusiasts
- A Kyoto-kotoba Verification Course for Kyoto Natives (Vocabulary & Grammar)
- A Kyoto-kotoba Verification Course for Kyoto Natives (Phonemes & Accent)
- Becoming a Speaker of a More Genuine Kyoto Accent
- Recommended Works Related to Kyo-kotoba
- Recent Variations
- Kyoto Greetings
Results of a Survey Concerning Children at Play
From the original site: results from a survey conducted between 2000-5 and 2001-2
A Look at Modern Kyoto & Osaka Accent
Modern Kyoto & Osaka accent, reconstructed from medieval times.
People from Kyoto as represented in the history and culture of the Genroku Era, such as Chikamatsu Monzaemon and Ihara Saikaku, may have spoken with this accent.
- "Kansai-ben" and "Kyo-kotoba" and "Kyoto-kotoba" and "Kyoto-ben" vs. "Common Japanese" and "Standard Japanese"
- Recommendations for Kyo-kotoba
Kyo-kotoba Notebook for the Bored
Contents include: 0% Scholarly Value, 100% Individual Opinion, and while we're at it an extra 50% Fallaciousness.
- Links
- Change History
- Feel free to link to this site and the original Japanese site.
Excepting third-party materials cited on this site, you may freely quote or reprint anything on this site, provided it is left unaltered as much as possible.
However, as this is not a disclaimer of copyright, using this site's contents for profit without permission is forbidden.
Questions, comments, and/or suggestions regarding this site? Send mail to Tan Nguyen:
Original site layout, graphics, and contents by 藤月 (Fujitsuki):