Direct versus Indirect Negotiation Styles.

Latin American Executive Opinions

• Carlos Romero Uscanga
• Alfredo Cavazos
• Alicia Fonseca Reséndiz
• Enrique Vila Naranjo
• Julio Balestrini Ponce
• Roberto Salmón Rodríguez

Key vocabulary related to this topic

Cultural points related to this topic

Carlos Romero Uscanga
México, Xalapa, Veracruz
"En México usualmente lo que nosotros consideramos como una negociación..."
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Afredo Cavazos
México, Monterrey, N.L.
"El método de negociación utilizado en México..."
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Alicia Fonseca Reséndiz
México, Monterrey, N.L.
"Bueno aquí en México yo creo que somos unas personas un poquito más cálidas..."
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Enrique Vila Naranjo
Perú, Lima
"Siempre se estila acá, en el Perú..."
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Julio Balestrini Ponce
Perú, Lima
"A mí me gustaría hacer un poquito de la historia de mi formación pasada..."
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Roberto Salmón Rodríguez
Perú, Lima
"Bueno, conversando aquí con el Doctor, hemos podido llegar a la conclusión..."
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adecuado (adj) appropriate
amistad (f) friendship
arreglo (m) arrangement
cálido (adj) warm
comercio (m) commerce, business
confianza (f) trust, confidence
consecución (f) attainment
dar vueltas to go around things
enfocar to focus on
enfoque (m) focus
entrevista (f) interview
establecer to establish
estilo (m) style
exportación (f) export
exposición internacional (f) international experience
familiarizarse to familiarize with
importación (f) import
involucarse to involve
largo plazo (m) long term
llamada telefónica (f) telephone call
logar to achieve
marina de guerra (f) navy
mercado (m) market
negociador (m) negotiator
oficial (m) officer
precio (m) price
remembranza (f) remembrance
sicología (f) psychology
solicitar to solicit
solicitud (f) application, request
sugerencia (f) suggestion
tema (m) topic
triunfante (adj) victorious
Juan es un poco gordito. Juan is a little chubby.
María es más alta que Susana. María is taller than Susana.
Pepe tiene los ojos claros
y la tez blanca.
Pepe has light colored eyes
and white skin.
Mi tío es bastante peludo, alto y de barba abundante. My uncle is very hairy, tall, and with a full beard.
Mi prima es muy bonita, rubia y de nariz fina. My cousin is pretty, blonde, and has a thin nose.

The general assumption is that North Americans are more direct in their negotiation style, while Latin Americans prefer an indirect style where initially more time is given to get to know a partner. This general assumption, however, should be tempered with observations, such as those by Alfredo Cavazos, which indicate that the type and focus of the company also affects negotiation styles. As Mr. Cavazos states, companies involved in exports and imports or companies in international business will follow a more American style. There is also a perception that Latin Americans focus their activities with a long-term objective. It is precisely for this reason that it is worthwhile to spend more time upfront to get to understand your partner better. This is one reason why Latin Americans sometimes see themselves as "cálidos" (warmer) as opposed to North Americans who may seem "colder." Still, individual differences are important. For example, Julio Balestrini comes from a military background and he feels very comfortable with a direct approach. Roberto Salmón provides excellent advice, namely, remember that in the end we are all working towards the same objective and as such, the differences in style are not as important.