Giving And Receiving Gifts.

Latin American Executive Opinions

• Juan Martín Espinosa
• Martha Mateos Brito
• Luz Espinoza de Magdits
• Jonathan Buccheri

Key vocabulary related to this topic

Cultural points related to this topic

Juan Martín Espinosa
México, D.F.
"El mexicano por naturaleza siempre le gusta regalar muchas cosas..."
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Martha Mateos Brito
México, Monterrey, N.L.
"Cuando yo doy un regalo, pues sí esperas que te lo agradezcan..."
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Luz Espinoza de Magdits
Perú, Lima
"OK, respecto a esto, yo considero, no es que no sea apropiado..."
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Jonathan Buccheri
Venezuela, Caracas
"Si la persona que venga a negociar recibe un regalo..."
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agradecer to thank
agradecimiento (m) thanks
amistad (f) friendship
apropiado (adj) appropriate
colecta (f) collection
doblemente (adv) doubly
en privado in private
estar pendiente to be aware of
gesto (m) gesture
halagar to flatter
obsequio (m) gift, compliment
regalar to give a gift
regalo (m) gift
regresar to return
sonrisa (f) smile
sorpresa (f) surprise
Juan es un poco gordito. Juan is a little chubby.
María es más alta que Susana. María is taller than Susana.
Pepe tiene los ojos claros
y la tez blanca.
Pepe has light colored eyes
and white skin.
Mi tío es bastante peludo, alto y de barba abundante. My uncle is very hairy, tall, and with a full beard.
Mi prima es muy bonita, rubia y de nariz fina. My cousin is pretty, blonde, and has a thin nose.

Different cultures have different patterns of gift giving. Juan Martin Espinosa observes that Mexicans enjoy giving gifts, including the initial smiles that you will receive. Notice that he does suggest that those who receive gifts generally put them aside and open them later in private, sending a thank you note as a follow-up, possibly along with another gift. A return gift may not be expected, but an expression of gratitude is. Gifts are appropriate when invited to someone's home, but as Luz Espinosa de Magdits explains, within a work context it is more for someone when they are leaving for some place else. All of the respondents discussed social gift giving and not the issue of gifts that may be interpreted as bribes, which would be a separate topic all together.