vocabulaire utile:
(notez que certains policiers ont des accents régionaux assez forts)- expérience, f. - experiment
- unique - only (in the sense of single)
- mener - to carry (out), lead
- effectuer - to do, to serve, to carry out (effectuer son service militaire)
- service national - national service
- principal - adj. main, primary, principal
- objectif, m. - goal (for a camera, a lens)
- intégration, f. - inclusion, integration
- jeune, m. - young person
- aperçu, m. - glimpse
- formation, f. - training, background
- circulation, f. - traffic, circulation
- secourisme, m. - first aid
- apprentissage, m. - apprenticeship, internship, learning stages
- issu (à l'issu de) m. - outcome, result (at the end of)
- afin de - in order to
- concours, m. - contest, qualifying exam
- urbain - adj. urban
- frontière, f. - border (of a country), boundary
- lors de - at the time of, during
- affectation, f. - assignment (place of work) affecter : be assigned
- rôle, m. - role
- scolarité, f. - schooling
- embrasser - to kiss, to hug, to embrace, choose or pursue (profession)
- définitivement - permanently
- ficelle, f. - string (les ficelles, the « ropes »)
- affecté, m. - person assigned to (as an adjective, assigned, transferred)
- preuve, f. - proof (faire la preuve) (faire preuve de + adj courage= show courage)
- puisque - since, because (not causal)
- acceuil, m. - greeting, welcome
- niveau (au niveau de) m. - level, concerning
- accès, m. - access
- répression, f. - restraint
- chevauchement, m. -overlap
- apport, m. - benefit, contribution
- souhaiter - to wish
- étendu - adj. extended, broad
- tant à ... qu'à - both ... and (not in the sense of inclusion, but of application)
- fonctionnaire, m. - civil servant