vocabulaire utile:
- déménageur, m. - mover, moving man (déménager, to move, move out)
- valise, f. - suitcase
- accessoire, m. - accessory
- colis, m. - package, box
- vingtaine, f. - about twenty (une dizaine = about 10)
- bruiteur, m. - sound effects person (not to be confused with sound man, who records the sound)
- se servir de - to use
- capital, m. - capital, resources
- servir à - be used for (servir de - serve as, be used as)
- court-métrage, m. - short (film)
- pub, f. - advertisement, advertising (short for « la publicité »)
- enjoliver - to embellish (embellir also exists)
- payé au kilomètre - paid by the kilometer
- d'abord - first (in a sequence, not in rating)
- carriole, f. - cart, wagon (charrette is a hand cart)
- fusil, m. - gun
- film d'époque, m. - period film
- cave, f. - basement, wine cellar
- synchrone - adj. synchronized
- poubelle, f. - garbage can
- vélo, m. - bicycle
- landau, m. - baby carriage
- ceintre, m. - coat hanger
- grincer - to squeak (mechanical : not for animals or people)
- balançoire, f. - swing (as in swingset)* see related words for balance
- gosse, m. - (slang) kid, child
- accelerer - to accelerate, to speed up
- remplacer - to replace
- artificiellement - artificially
- bouillote, f. - hot water bottle
- dérapage, m. - skid (vehicle) déraper - to skid
- mouiller - to wet, dampen
- pneu, m. - short for pneumatique, which means tire
- frotter - to rub
- virage, m. - turn (in a road)
- trot, m. - trot (horseback gait), au trot (be trotting)
- galop, m. - center (horseback gait) au galop (be cantering)
- plume, f. - feather
- gant, m. - glove
- coup de fusil - gun shot * see related words for coup
- mort, f. - death
- menotte, f. - handcuff (pl. les menottes)
- frein à main, m. - hand brake (les freins, brakes)
- générique, m. - movie credits
- balance :
- balancer - to throw out (slang)
- une balance - a weighing scale
- Balance - Libra (astrological sign)
- équilibrer - to balance
- coup :
- coup de fusil - gun shot
- coup de soleil - sunburn
- coup d'état - overthrow a government
- coup de foudre - lightning strike (love at first sight)
- coup d'oeil - glimpse
- coup de main - help (donner un coup de main)
- coup de grace - finishing blow (sword into bull, for example)
- coup de tonnere - thunderclap