vocabulaire utile:
- cancer des reins, m. - kidney cancer
- cancer du foie, m. - liver cancer
- l'anémie, f. - anemia
- l'hémmoragie, f. - hemmorhage, bleeding
- lutte, f. - struggle, fight
- maladie, f. - illness
- parasitaire - (adj) linked to a parasite
- équipe, f. - team
- chercheur, m. - researcher
- voie, f. - path, direction
- inédite - (adj) unpublished, totally new, original
- biologie moléculaire, f. - molecular biologie
- génie génétique, f. - genetic engineering
- fabrication, f. - manufacturing
- conduire - to lead
- éradication, f. - eradication, elimination
- paysan, m. - peasant, small farmer
- champs, m. - field
- irrigé - (adj from irriger - to irrigate) irrigated
- ménagère, f. - housewife
- lavandière, f. - washerwomen
- se baigner - to swim, to bathe
- canal, canaux, m. - canal
- l'eau douce - fresh water (as opposed to salt)
- propager - to propagate
- mode, m. - method
- particulier - unusual, speciific
- étape, f. - stage, phase
- dans un premier temps - at first, the first stage
- œuf, m. - egg
- liberer - to free
- larve, f. - larva
- nageant - (adj. from nager - to swim) swimming
- miracidium, m. - miracidium (larva that hatches from the egg of a trematode worm or fluke)
- se developper - to develop
- mulitiplier - to multiply
- mollusque, m. - mollusk
- aquatique - (adj.) aquatic
- pénétrant - (adj. or present participle from pénétrer) penetrating
- cercaire, m. - cercaria (larvae of flukes of the class Trematoda, having a tail-like appendage)
- donner naissance - give birth
- hors de - outside of
- à la recherche de - seeking
- vertébré, m. - vertebrate
- abandonner - to abandon
- queue, f. - tail
- fourchu - (adj) forked
- système sanguin - blood system
- système lymphatique - lympathic system
- effectuer - to carry out
- periple, m. - journey
- conduire - to lead, to drive (vehicle)
- poumon, m. - lung
- sexué - (adj) sexed
- schistosome, m. - schistosome (also called billharzia, any elonged tremtode of the genus schistosoma, parasitic in the blood vessels of humans and other mammals, a blood fluke)
- traîtement, m. - treatment
- chiméothérapie, f. - chemotheraphy
- efficace - effective
- proteger - to protect
- réinfection, f. - reinfection
- réussir à - succeed in, at
- microscope éléctronique, m. - electronic microscope
- isoler - to isolate
- protéine, f. - protein
- induire - to induce
- protecteur, protectrice - (adj) protective
- au cours de - during, in the course of
- potentiellement - potentially
- en cours d'essai - in trial period
- bovine - (adj) bovine
- primate, m. - primate
- mondial - (adj) world-wide
- prix de revient, m. - cost (manufacturing cost)
- accessible - accessible
- le Tiers Monde - the Third World (pays du Tiers Monde : Third World countries)
- sévir - to ravage, to run wild, to clamp down