vocabulaire utile:
- Hôpital des Enfants Malades - children's hospital
- grace à - thanks to
- équipe, f. - team
- collaborer - to collaborer
- médecin, m. - doctor
- chirurgien, m. - surgeon
- pharmacien, m. - pharmacist
- biologiste, m. - biologist
- greffe, f. - transplant
- l'intestin, m. - intestine
- alimentation, f. - food, feeding
- par la bouche - by mouth
- nutrition entérale, f. - enteral nutrition (tube feeding)
- bloc operatoire, m. - operating room
- endormir - to put to sleep
- masque, m. - mask
- enlever - to remove
- l'anésthésie, f. - anesthesia (l'anesthésiste, m. - anesthetist)
- salle de réveil, f. - recovery room
- tenter - to attempt, to tempt
- croissance, f. - growth
- surveiller - to watch over
- survie, f. - survival
- dépendre - to depend
- bien entendu - of course, understandably
- support artificiel, m. - artificial support, life support
- brancher - to hook up, connect (se brancher : hook oneself up)
- débrancher - to disconnect, to unhook
- relier - to connect, link
- catheter, m. - catheter
- alimenter - to feed
- grossir - to gain weight
- stérile - (adj) sterile
- mélange, m. - mixture
- nutritif (nutritive) - (adj) nutritious
- comprendre - to include, to understand
- acide aminé, m. - amino acid
- électrolyte, m. - electrolyte
- oligo-aliment, m. - oligo-nutrient
- vitamine, f. - vitamin
- gener - to bother
- veine, f. - vein
- ressortir - to go back out
- filtre, m. - filter
- désinfecter - to disinfect
- microbe, m. - microbe, bacteria
- pénétrer - to penetrate
- il risque de - there is a risk of (it could...)
- inflammation, f. - swelling, inflammation
- effectuer - to carry out
- prendre en charge - take responsibility for
- soins, m. - care (medical)
- démarche, f. - process, procedure
- geste, m. - gesture
- mettre au courant - bring up to date
- intervenir - intervene, to come up
- formation, f. - training
- mener une vie normale - lead a normal life
- avoir des vêtement par-dessus - have clothes over (the catheter)
- nutrition artificielle, f. - artificial nutrition
- retour au domicile - return home
- suivi, m. - follow-up
- proche - (adj) close
- ultérieurement - later on
- dès lors - from that time on
- guérison, f. - healing
- intestin grêle, m. - small intestine
- greffer - to transplant, to graft
- concretiser - to establish, to make firm