Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation
Jeremy Bentham
Chapter V, Footnote #13
Sample analysis of a complex pleasure
It would be a matter not only of curiosity,
but of some use, to exhibit a catalogue of the several complex
pleasures and pains, analyzing them at the same time into the several
simple ones, of which they are respectively composed. But such a
disquisition would take up too much room to be admitted here. A short
specimen, however, for the purpose of illustration, can hardly be
dispensed with.
The pleasures taken in at the eye and ear are
generally very complex. The pleasures of a country scene, for
instance, consist commonly, amongst others, of the following
I. Pleasures of the senses.
- The simple pleasures of sight, excited by the perception of
agreeable colours and figures, green fields, waving foliage,
glistening water, and the like.
- The simple pleasures of the ear, excited by the perceptions of
the chirping of birds, the murmuring of waters, the rustling of the
wind among the trees.
- The pleasures of the smell, excited by the perceptions of the
fragrance of flowers, of new-mown hay, or other vegetable substances,
in the first stages of fermentation.
- The agreeable inward sensation, produced by a brisk circulation
of the blood, and the ventilation of it in the lungs by a pure air,
such as that in the country frequently is in comparison of that which
is breathed in towns.
II. Pleasures of the imagination produced by association.
- The idea of the plenty, resulting from the possession of the
objects that are in view, and of the happiness arising from it.
- The idea of the innocence and happiness of the birds, sheep,
cattle dogs, and other gentle or domestic animals.
- The idea of the constant flow of health;, supposed to be enjoyed
by all these creatures: a notion which is apt to result from the
occasional flow of health enjoyed by the supposed spectator.
- The idea of gratitude, excited by the contemplation of the
all-powerful and beneficent Being, who is looked up to as the author
of these blessings.
These four last are all of them, in some measure at least, pleasures
of sympathy
The depriving a man of this group of pleasures is one of the evils
apt to result from imprisonment; whether produced by illegal
violence, or in the way of punishment, by appointment of the laws.
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