A Table of the Springs of Action

Jeremy Bentham

—of Antipathy—of Ill-will—of the Irascible Appetite: including the
Pleasures of Revenge, and the Pains of Unsatisfied Vindictiveness.
Corresponding Interest, Interest of the GALL-BLADDER.
Corresponding MOTIVES—with Names,

 —I. Neutral: viz.

1. Antipathy.
2. Dislike.
3. Aversion.
4. Displeasure.


5. Anger.
6. Wrath.
7. Exasperation.


8. Resentment.
9. Indignation.
10. Incensement.

 —II. Eulogistic:

Single-worded, none.



1. Just, proper, legitimate, justifiable, warranted, well-grounded, due, becoming, laudable, praiseworthy, commendable, noble, dignified—displeasure, indignation, resentment.

—III. Dyslogistic: viz.

I.—Specially derived and directed affections
1. Ill-will.
2. Ill-humour.
3. Animosity.
4. Spite.
5. Malice.
6. Hatred.
7. Hate.


8. Abhorrence.
9. Abomination.
10. Detestation.
11. Execration.


12. Rage.
13. Fury.
14. Raneour.


15. Revenge.
16. Vengeance.


17. Envy.
18. Jealousy.

II.—Abstract Moral Qualities—
19. Spleen.
20. Ill-nature.
21. Waspishness.


22. Maliciousness.
23. Malignity.
24. Malignancy.
25. Venomousness.


26. Cruelty.
27. Barbarity.
28. Savageness.
29. Brutality.
30. Ferocity.


31. Vindictiveness.
32. Vengefulness.



II. Abstract Moral Qualities—continued.

33. Obduracy.
34. Obdurateness.
35. Implacability.
36. Callousness.


37. Unjust, improper, &c.—asperity, harshness, rigour, severity, antipathy, &c.
(See Cols. 2. and 3.)

[Back to:] Table Entry X  Pleasures and Pains of Sympathy.
[Forward to:] Table Entry XII  Pains of Labour.
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A Table of the Springs of Action, Intro and Table of Contents