A Resource Guide
The University of Texas at Austin
The Internet, opening vast amounts of information and providing
immediate access to unfolding events, is increasingly important for
research in the study of politics in South Asia. Internet sites
supplement traditional "hard copy" sources in a variety of ways, but
they also provide bibliographic access to "hard copy" sources. We may
now access online library catagogues throughout the world, enabling
us to locate a book or track down an elusive title or reference.
Where once we dug into the volumes of various guides to periodical
literature, we may now search for articles published in journals and
periodicals by such online sources as Public Affairs Information
Service International (PAIS International) and Social Sciences
Abstracts. These, however, are "proprietory" internet services,
available only through subscribing libraries.
More general online bibligographic indices, using key words to zero
in on topics relating to Indian politics, remain essential, but the
annual Bibliography of Asian Studies, published annually by
Association for Asian Studies since 1956, is a superb resource for
books and scholarly articles on India and is now available online in
subscribing libraries (URL below).
Major online full-text sources for newspaper articles on India and
South Asia more generally include LEXIS-NEXIS Academic Universe,
JASTOR, and Dow Jones Interactive, and an increasing number of
newspapers, periodicals, and journals throughout the world are online
with full-text. Readers should check with their libraries on
"Indian Politics on the Internet: A Resource Guide" is from Robert L.
Hardgrave, Jr., and Stanley A. Kochanek, India: Government and
Politics in a Developing Nation, 6th ed. (Ft. Worth: Harcourt,
2000). It was prepared with assistance from Kamal R. Adhikary, ASNIC
Coordinator, Center for Asian Studies, and Merry Burlingham, South
Asian Librarian, both at The University of Texas at Austin, and is
here reproduced with permission from Harcourt College Publishers.
I. General sites for information and links on India; search
Bibliography of Asian Studies: http://bas.umdl.umich.edu/b/bas/
South Asia Network/SAARC - South Asian Search Engine. Links to
hundreds of Indian web sites http://southasia.net/.
Hindustan: Search India. Search engine for India on the web.
South Asian Milan - search engine: http://www.samilan.com/
India World - daily news, features, links, and search engine:
Sanam's - extensive links to Indian newspapers and news groups and
links to Indian search engines:
ASNIC "India" --Asian Studies Network Information Center at the
University of Texas at Austin. Excellent links to major web sites.
See especially "Government and Politics."
Kennedy School of Government South Asian Caucus (Harvard) - data
base, links, etc.: http://ksgwww.harvard.edu/~sasian/
Columbia University South Asia Resources Access on the Internet
(SARAI): http://www.columbia.edu/cu/libraries/indiv/area/sarai
Asian Studies WWW Virtual Library: Major resource for India links.
India Informatics Centre: http://www.nic.in/
WWW Virtual Library: India: http://webhead.com/WWWVL/India/india207.html
India Network: http://www.indnet.org/
India on the Net - extensive information and links: http://www.allindia.com/
South Asia Resources, University of Virginia network
Center for the Advanced Study of India, University of Pennsylvania:
H-ASIA, Asia-Pacific Network: http://www.h-net.msu.edu/~asia/
II. Government of India
Political structure (ASNIC): http://asnic.utexas.edu/asnic/countries/india/InPoliticalstru.html
Government and politics (ASNIC): http://asnic.utexas.edu/asnic/countries/india/index.html
Constitution of India - text and index; http://alfa.nic.in/const/a1.html
GOI, ministries and departments: http://www.nic.in/ug.htm
Indian Parliament: http://alfa.nic.in/
States and Union Territories: http:www.nic.in/staeut.htm
Election Commission of India: http://www.eci.gov.in/
III. Parties, Politics, and Elections
Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), official website: http://www.bjp.org/
Indian National Congress, official website: http://indiancongress.org/
India World, public opinion polls: http://indiavotes.com/
IV. Issues and Interests
Women: SAWNET (South Asian Women's NETwork)
Women: Journal of South Asian Women Studies:
Women: Manushi: A Journal about Women and Society:
Human Rights: http://indianculture.miningco.com/msub4.htm
Kashmir: Kashmir Virtual Library: http://www.clas.ufl.edu/users/gthursby/kashmir
South Asian Diaspora:
V. Military and Security
Bharat Rakshak, Consortium of Indian Military Websites:
Stimson Center, South Asia security "think tank": http://www.stimson.org/cbm/sa/saif.htm
South Asia Analysis Group (Chennai) http://www.saag.org/
VI. Media: Newpapers, News Magazines, and Radio-Television
Leading Newspapers in India:
The Times of India (Mumbai, New Delhi): http://www.timesofindia.com/
The Hindu (Chennai): http://www.hinduonline.com/
The Hindustan Times (New Delhi): http://www.hindustantimes.com/
The Indian Express (numerous editions):
The Statesman (Calcutta): http://www.thestatesman.org/
The Telegraph (Calcutta): http://telegraphindia.com/
The Deccan Herald (Bangalore): http://www.deccanherald.com/
The Pioneer (New Delhi): http://www.the-pioneer.com/
The Asian Age (numberous editions): http:www.asianage.com/
The Economic Times (Mumbai): http://www.economictimes.com/
Newsmagazines and Periodicals:
India Abroad (New York, weekly): http://www.indiaabroad.com/
India Today (New Delhi, weekly): http://www.india-today.com/
Frontline (Chennai, biweekly, published by The Hindu):
Outlook (New Delhi, weekly): http://www.outlookindia.com/
The Week (Kochi, Kerala): http://the-week.com/
Far Eastern Economic Review (Hong Kong, weekly): http://www.feer.com/
Other mass media and services:
Doordarshan, Indian television: http://www.ddindia.net/
Press Information Bureau, GOI: http://www.nic.in/India-Image/PIB/
Samachar, India news service: http://www.samachar.com/
VII. Journals on line
BASAS Bulletin, British Association for South Asian Studies:
SAGAR: South Asia Graduate Research Journal: http://asnic.utexas.edu/asnic/sagar/sagar.main.html
NOTE: On Citation: There is no consensus on the best method
for citing internet materials, but Andrew Harnack and Gene Kleppinger
provide a useful guide in Beyond the MLA Handbook: Documenting
Electronic Sources on the Internet:
For a list of web sites on citation, see:
New Sites and Web Updates:
NOTE: Columbia University's SOUTH ASIA GOPHER (listed in the "Resource Guide" in the textbook) has gone to the web with a new URL. See above under "General Sites."
AsiaSource, a major on-line resource from the Asia Society:
IndiaMap: India on the Net -- a valuable source for news and
information on government, politics, business, and the economy, with
extensive links: http://www.indiamap.com/
IndiaMap: Elections - extensive links to political parties, party manifestos, leaders, campaign reports, election results and analyses: http://www.indiamap.com/elections/ and http://www.indiamap.com/elections/webdir.htm
Media: The Economic and Political Weekly, India's foremost periodical of the social sciences http://www.south-asian-initiative.org/epw/
The Asia Society's Special Report on "Indian Elections": http://www.asiasource.org/news/special_reports/archive.cfm
Yahoo Indian News Coverage:http://fullcoverage.yahoo.com/Full_Coverage/World/India/
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