Freedom for free
blacks was established through four different governments: Spanish,
Mexican, the Republic of Texas, and Texas. The Spanish and Mexican governments
considered free blacks as citizens. With the equality blacks received
from the Spanish and Mexican governments numerous of blacks bought their
freedom along with their families and moved to Texas. Free blacks could
own land and practiced any trade or skilled they wanted to. Some free
blacks were weavers, buglers, freighters, innkeepers, land speculators,
blacksmiths, ranchers, and farmers. Free blacks owned houses and town
lots, raised sugar, cotton, and vegetables as a way of living. Interracial
couples came to Texas because Texas was not overly populated and that
allowed them to avoid the social pressure of more populated areas. At
the same time, many free blacks came to Texas to escape the restrictions
on free blacks and the chance for re-enslavement in the United States.
Texas at the time was a place for free blacks to acquire land to become
wealthy and improve their life. In the Texas Revolution many free blacks
fought against the Mexican government because the free blacks hoped
to improve their status through the eyes of the Anglos and some feared
the retaliation if they did not serve. When the Republic of Texas won
its independence the government changed the immigration laws. The Texas
government first set limits on immigration by free blacks to Texas and
on the status of the free blacks already in Texas. The whites in Texas
began to differentiate themselves from the free blacks in dress, manners,
religion, and architecture. Also, whites defined the word “black”
as being evil and filth. The Republic of Texas set laws that did not
allow free person of one-eight Negro blood to vote, own property, testify
in court against whites, or intermarry with whites. After Texas separated
from the republic more laws were developed that restricted free blacks.
Free blacks were whipped for insulting, abusive, or threatening language
to whites. Also, free blacks could not have firearms, gamble, hire slaves,
dispense medicine, or preach without two slave holders present. The
number of free blacks in Texas began to decrease because of the limitations
they had to encounter to reside in Texas. With all the laws to restrict
free blacks to acquire status as free people free blacks was not that
much different from slaves.
Alwyn Barr, Black Texans: A History of Negroes in Texas, 1528-1971
(Austin: Jenkins, 1973), pp 1-12.