Outline of Texas
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Black History in Texas
Dr. Juliet E. K. Walker
Professor, Department of History
Outline of Texas
Home | UT Home Page | College of Liberal Arts | Center for Black Business History

Hill Country

Austin freedmen's towns - "Former African-American slaves freed during the Civil War lived all over Austin, but settled primarily in the following communities:

: First settled by Charles Clark, went from West Lynn to the Missouri-Pacific railroad tracks and from 10th Street to Waterston Avenue.
Wheatville [not Wheatsville] was named for James Wheat and was bounded by Rio Grande Street and Shoal Creek on the east and west and by 24th and 26th Streets on the south and north.
Masontown: Masontown was begun by Sam and Raiford Mason and covered the approximate area between 3rd and 6th Streets and Chicon and Waller Streets.
Kincheonville: Named for Thomas Kinchion [sic], was a small farming community in what is now southwest Austin, within an area roughly described by Paisano Trail, Longview Road, Davis Lane, and Brodie Lane."


Geography of Austin freedmen's towns

Underconstruction animated gif

Last Modified: July 19, 2003