In 1528 the first
black arrived in Texas with the Spaniards; Álvar Núñez
Cabeza de Vaca. The Spaniards abolished slavery and established equality
for all citizens including for the blacks. Blacks
in Texas were allowed to work in any profession or skilled trade they
desired. Texas has been ruled by six different governments: Spanish,
French, Mexican, Texas, Confederate, and the United States. However,
in 1821 Texas became apart of the Union and slavery was established.
One of the first towns to open a slave port where slaves were brought
to Texas was Galveston, TX. Most of the slave markets were located in
South Texas where they were sold to planters, factors, farmers, and
urban dwellers at prices ranging from $300 to $2,000. By 1860 there
were 182,566 slaves in Texas that were owned by 21,878 slave holders.
However, with the Civil War ending on April 9, 1865, the slaves in Texas
were not freed until June 19, 1865 when federal troops arrived in Galveston,