This melodic segment is further divided into two independent phrases labeled Motives 8 and 9 Combined. This segment proves interesting because the upper line has been described as the “Love Potion” or “Love Philtre” motive by many analysts, yet the lower line has been described as the “Fate Motive.” This three-measure segment foreshadows the events to come in the next two acts of the opera. Lavignac actually labels the first measure (plus the downbeat of the following measure) of this combined motive “The Death Potion.”
Labels for Motives 8 and 9 Combined
“Love Glance” – (Kobbé,
p. 111)
“The Glance" – (Lavignac,
p. 285)
“Blickmotiv” or “Look
Motive” – (Pfohl, p. 216)
“Look Motive” or “Glance
Motive” – (Newman, in Bailey, p. 155)
Motive 8 and 9 – Order of occurrence by Act and Scene
Act I: Prelude, Scenes 3-5
Act II: Scenes 1-2
Act III: Scenes 1-2