Let us start by considering the status of automation in manufacturing. Manufactured items are continuous, such as liquids; or discrete, such as automobiles. The current status of production in manufacturing is:
a. Continuous process fluids: Chemicals, beer, petrochemicals. These types of production, whether batch or continuous, are currently highly automated. So called production workers sit around and watch the dials.
b. Discrete: In discrete production the size of the production run determines the type of the process.
(1) Mass: In high volume production it pays to have a specific machine for each purpose. The precise number which constitutes high volume depends on the type of product. Automobiles are a good example because production runs are generally in excess of 200,000 units.
(2) Batch processing: In batch production the production lots run from 10 to 1000. Examples of batch production are airplanes, large earth moving equipment, and ships. Batch processes comprise 40%of the mfg work force. In batch production general purpose machines are used in contrast to the specific purpose machines of mass production. The cost of batch production is 10- 30 times the cost of equivalent mass production.
(3) Individual production: This type of production exists today only for artisan items. The cost is 100 times as much as mass production. For example, compare the cost of auto repairs with the cost of the original production. How much damage does it take to total a car?