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Other markets are following the trends set by the financial markets. In the residential real estate market, listings have been computerized. The broker, not the customer, however, makes the comparisons. In consumer shopping, catalog sales are growing faster than sales in malls. In many marriages, both husband and wife work which leaves less time for shopping in stores. Currently, the shift of consumer and industry markets into the living room is in its infancy. There are three types of electronic home and office shopping:
- Computer Stores in the information utilities such as America on Line, CompuServe and Prodigy offer a wide variety of merchandise through your personal computer. These shopping services have a fundamental problem. The channel capacity into home computers is so restricted consumers using these electronic catalogs can obtain little more than the product code and the price. Until high capacity digital communication is commonplace in the home, they will not be able to offer enough information for intelligent comparison shopping.
- Telemarketing cable channels such as the Home Shopping Networ offer a sequence of merchandise with big promotions. The consumer has no control over what is being displayed.
- Numerous stores and corporations offer their wares over the Internet. This is the fastest growing segment of electronic markets. The growth of these markets is restricted by the fact that most communications over the internet are not secure. Hackers can steal credit card numbers and other sensitive informaiton. This security problem is rapidly been solved by using encrypted communications. One of the most advanced commercial networks, which has secure communications, is the CommerceNet. (Study this network to find out the wide range of services such as paperless invoicing being offered).
The shift of markets to the social nervous system will accelerate with the increase in the capacity of the social nervous system. The current security problems will be solved by the end of 1996 as the various participants agree on the standards for secure communications. For a major expansion for home markets, but probably not industrial markets, communication will have to include both voice and interactive image. To exercise choice the viewer will have to control the catalog on the screen and must be able to obtain detailed information on demand.