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Objective: In order to understand the social implication of the advances in communication, it is first necessary to study the technical aspect of communications. Then we shall examine the issue of substitution of communication for travel in such social innovations as teleconferencing and telecommuting. The index for this section is:

The Electromagnetic Spectrum

The electromagnetic spectrum is currently used for many types of analog and digital communication. Electromagnetic waves include radio, light, infrared, x rays, and gamma rays as shown below:

These waves have the following characteristic in a vacuum: C = f w In this equation, C is the velocity of light; f is the frequency; and w is the wave length. The communication capacity of an electromagnetic wave is twice its frequency, and over the electromagnetic spectrum the frequency varies by a factor of 10 raised to the 15 power. [ This number is a million times a million times a thousand.] THIS MEANS THAT THE POTENTIAL CHANNEL CAPACITY OR THE POTENTIAL VOLUME OF MESSAGES VARIES BY THE SAME FACTOR OF 10 TO THE 15TH. The allocation of the spectrum between gadgets( including cordless phones, baby monitors and garage-door openers) CB radios, radio ( AM, FM and shortwave), television, cellular phone, and satellite communications is an economic/political problem controlled in the US by the FCC. As new types of communications devices are developed, turf battles occur over the use of the electromagnetic spectrum. The FCC has auctioned off portions of the electromagnetic spectrum.

Wired Communication

Currently the three main types of wired communication are the telephone, Cable TV, and computer networks.

Wired Telephone

Unlike computation, communication made tremendous advances before the advent of the integrated circuit. Communication engineers developed the analog telephone, which transmits the waveform of human voice, into a worldwide system displacing the telegraph. The evolution of the phone system has been driven by providing humans the type of service they desire. Humans want their conversations over phones to be a close approximation of live conversations between two people. Consequently, phone conversations require a continuously open channel and people want their messages to be transmitted as quickly as they are through the air between two individuals.

Also, as most individuals use their phones at infrequent intervals, the phone system has been designed on the premise that most phones will be idle at any one instance. This fact enables the phone companies to connect phones through exchanges (switches). If the phone companies had simply hardwired every phone to every other phone, the number of connections would have increased as the square of the number of phones. Just imagine the number of wires there would be into your home or apartment. Your phone only requires a single line to the switch where it is connected to other phones as requested by dialing.

The system is designed with a tradeoff between the number of switches and the number of calls which can be processed at one time. For example, if you have 100 telephones and you hook each with every other phone, you need 10000 connections. If you create a switch with 10 input and 10 output lines, ten telephone conversations are possible at one time between any ten pairs of phones. If the switch has 20 input and output lines, twenty pairs of phones can be linked at any one time. To design systems which meet the estimated demand for phone conversations almost all the time, telephone analysts developed a branch of operations research called queuing theory.

To initiate a phone conversation, the two parties must be connected in a phone channel through the switch, which remains continuously open until disconnected by one of the parties. At first phone calls were manually placed by human telephone operators manning the first type of telephone exchanges (switches). Later communication engineers developed automatic switchboards which could connect phones by dialing. The reason for developing switches is a simple matter of economics in that creating automatic switches to replace manual switches greatly reduces the need for labor to operate the phone system.

Currently, the telephone system is in the process of switching from analog to digital. The switch to digital communications is promoted by the advances in microelectronics. These advances in integrated circuit technology can be used to build ever cheaper and more powerful communication devices. For example, today telephone switchboards are simply special purpose computers with software to provide services such as call waiting. Also, with digital communications, errors in communication can be more easily controlled than with analog communication. The telephone system is currently a mix between analog and digital technologies. Currently, long distance is generally digital while local is analog.

Between switches either within a city or between cities, it is not efficient to string a separate phone line for each phone conversation. Instead, phone conversations are multiplexed, that is combined, so that many phone conversations can be carried in a single higher frequency of the electromagnetic spectrum. Over time, the demand for communication capacity for phone traffic, data communications, and now image communication such as pictures and now videoteleconferencing has constantly increased. Consequently, communication engineers have moved to harness higher and higher frequencies in the electromagnetic spectrum.

The latest is laser light in optical fibers, which represents an 1,000,000 increase in capacity of over microwave communications. Because these optical fibers can fit in existing copper cable ducts, have a much greater capacity than the copper, and are no more expensive than copper, their use is expanding very rapidly. Through the utilization of railroad rightaways, several optical fiber networks have been constructed to connect the various major communication centers.

A laser light-optical fiber communication system consists of encoding and decoding devices, a transmitter, silica fibers, repeaters, and a receiver. Through applied research the capacity of such systems is increasing 10 fold every four years, and by 1992 it was possible to transmit 100,000 billion bits of information 10 kilometers per second. A basic problem in any communication system is attenuation, which is the disintegration of the signal as it travels down the communication channel. To restore the signal to its original strength amplifiers (repeaters) must be placed at regular intervals in the system. The increase in capacity has been obtained by (1) increasing the purity of the optical fiber, (2) developing optical repeaters, (3) developing better laser generators, and (4) experimenting with various pure and mixed frequencies of laser light. For example, an optical repeater is created by doping the optical fiber with the rare earth element erbium. This is a major advance over previous repeaters which necessitated converting the light beam from light to electricity, amplifying the electrical signal, and then converting the electrical signal back to light.

Finally, the phone systems have had to develop elaborate billing systems to charge individual customers for each long distance call.

Cable TV

Cable TV is currently a high capacity analog signal. Since each station needs a frequency of 6M, 50 cable channels are multiplexed into a signal of 300M hertz. Cable systems frequently use optical fiber to junction boxes and coaxial cables into residences. These coaxial cables have a much higher capacity than the twisted copper wire phone system. With the exception of a few experimental interactive systems, cable systems are one-way communication systems. The amount of interaction in the experimental interactive systems is limited. Because cable systems broadcast a fixed set channels into each home, they have no need for exchanges found in telephone systems. Also, because each household has a fixed number of channels the cable companies do not need an elaborate billing system as that for long distance telephone traffic.

Computer Communication

Communication networks for computer communication generally connect office machines or factory machines. LANs (local area networks) are now common in corporations and public institutions. Such networks usually do not have switches like phone networks. A common type is a loop in which messages from the sender travel until they reach the receiver station. The loop is analogous to a party line of telephone. But, as the number of stations on the loop increases the amount of traffic can greatly slow down communication. For this reason in larger organizations networks are subdivided into smaller networks connected by bridges, which connect LANs with the same protocols, and routers, which connect LANs with different protocols. For example, the UT economics department has its own LAN which is connected to the larger UT collection of networks for the various departments and colleges.

Digital data and text communication between machines generally does not require a continuous open channel because the recipient usually will tolerate a time delay between the time the message is sent and the time the message is received. Consequently, such communication can be broken down into standard sized packets which can be sent individually from sender to receiver. One advantage of packet communication is that it provides a mechanism to correct errors or if this can not be accomplished, resend the packet until it is communicated without error. One of the first data protocols was x.25, which is very robust in noisy channels. With less noisy channels, the protocol, Frame Relay sends data more quickly because it spends less time checking for errors.

Packet communication in telephone networks is very different from continuous voice or video communication, which as was pointed out requires a continuous open line. In contrast, each packet can travel a different route thought the communication network. For example. some packets can travel from New York to Los Angeles through Chicago and some through New Orleans. When they arrive all the packets can be assembled into the original message. With a voice of video phone, you either have the capacity to transmit the message in real time or you don't. With a continuously open channel there is no noticeable time delay on the earth. With data packets, the higher the capacity the more quickly the packets can be sent through the system. This is why downloading pictures on Netscape is much faster at UT than at home with a modem. The capacity at UT is at least five times most modems.

The technological frontier is the creation of wide area networks, WANs. Developing WANs is very different from developing LANs. When a LAN is wired into an office, the installers usually use a high capacity line such as coaxial cable or optical fiber. Such LANs have a large capacity. Communicating between offices generally requires renting a line from the phone companies. Capacity is expensive. Consequently developers of WANs must focus on compressing messages to make efficient use of expensive connecting lines. Another problem is the lack of protocols to connect the wide variety of LANs together.

A very important type of computer communication is electronic mail, which is the transmission of text messages through computer networks. Originally corporations created internal worldwide corporate E-mail systems. For example, TI set up its own electronic mail and filing system that connects 50 plants in 19 countries. When set up it could process 10,000 messages and 8c, now but it now can process 33,000 messages at 4c. Alcan installed a $500,000 system for sending orders and inventory information between all its branches and warehouses.

E-mail just simply does not substitute for paper mail, it creates opportunities for innovation. For example, consider an IBM technical person's comparison of two projects he worked on at IBM. The first was the proposed development of a new type of computer terminal in the late sixties. The first draft of the proposal took three days. The draft was sent to various IBMers in the US, Canada, and Europe. Two months later they met for a conference. Every two months they got together to discuss the next draft. Two years later the paper was published. Ten years later the same technical person prepared another paper. Using materials on disk, he finished the paper in one hour. He sent the paper to 25 people via the IBM network. Two hours later he read all their responses, modified the speech, and redistributed it. In one day he made five passes and was complete. (What the report does not tell you is how high the technical person had risen in the hierarchy. I assume he had become so powerful that people would respond quickly. While this does decrease the wonders of technology, the example serves to demonstrate the efficiency of electronic mail.)

Currently their are numerous E-mail systems in information utilities such as CompuServe, Prodigy and Internet. The use of E-mail should explode in the 1990s because of the adoption of the world standard, x.400 and the creation of E-mail directories under the x.500 standard. The adoption of a standard means inter institution E-mail communication becomes as easy as intra institution E-mail today. Gradually intra institutional E-mail systems will either adopt the x.400 and x.500 standards or create an interface making their internal systems externally compatible with these standards.

The importance of E-mail extends far beyond simply sending messages between individuals. E-mail is a carrier which facilitates other types of computer communication such as automatically sending invoices between computers. Thus E-mail will be the basis for much innovation in automating of the flow of paperwork both within and among firms and government.

Wired: Surf the Net

Check out the telephone, wireless and network sites.

Wireless Communication

Radio and TV

Wireless radio was invented by Marconi at the turn of the century. In the twenties the AM radio broadcast industry was created. Later the higher quality FM radio was introduced. Interactive radio communication is used by ships, airplanes, remote stations, ham operators. The commercial broadcast TV industry was created after World War II. These industries are all allocated portions of the electromagnetic spectrum for their activities.


By placing a satellite in an orbit with a radius of 22,000 miles the satellite goes around the earth once a day. If the orbit is about the equator the satellite appears to be stationary with respect to the earth. To minimize interference you must keep these satellites separate(no more than 90 in the orbit). Such satellites are used for broadcast TV and multiplexed phone conversations. Communication from earth to satellite uses microwave communications, which travels through clouds. Low-orbit satellites can also be used for communications systems: however, such a system is much more complicated because the antennas must follow a moving target and shift between satellites as they go over the horizon. Satellites make excellent communication relay stations because you do not need any ground network. Corporations establishing private communication systems outside the telephone system are big users of satellite communications. Third world countries such as India also make extensive use of satellite communications because it is much cheaper to reach the millions of villages by satellite than try to string copper or fiber cable. The emerging communication system will be a mixture of optical fibers between major nodes and of satellite communications in rural areas.

The disadvantage of satellites at 22,000 miles for voice and video communication is that there is a 1/2 second delay in the communication of the messages because of the distances involved. Motorola is planning a low earth satellite system with 77 satellites which will eliminate the 1/2 second time delay.

New Advances

Currently, there is an explosive growth in wireless phone systems. Current cellular phone technology is analog. Cellular phones will switch to digital to achieve much greater capacity once standards are agreed upon. A new competitor to the cellular phone network is the personal communications network (PCN). This digital technology uses a much larger number of much cheaper transmitters than cellular. This transformation has hit a major snag in the summer of 1995. The economic incentive to switch to digital has not been to provide the customer better service, but rather make more money by tripling capacity. The problem with the first models of the new digital phones is that they produce very poor voice quality. Until this problem is resolved customers will keep their analog equipment. .

Many corporations are creating worldwide wireless communications networks. For example, Motorola is in the process of setting up Iridium, a worldwide wireless network using low-orbit satellites mentioned above. In less developed countries it is much faster to set up a wireless telephone system than a modern wired system. This system if installed could in the long run completely bypass the phone systems. This would by a wireless phone system with local towers and the capacity to communicate through the satellites. In the US, Ardis and Ram Mobile Data are building nationwide wireless data networks. At Pitney-Bowes 3,500 repair technicians use the Ardis network to obtain repair information. Federal Express and UPS have their own networks to be able to maintain continuous monitoring of the delivery of parcels.

Wireless: Surf the Net