
   The word "cryptography" is derived from the Greek word krypto that means secret writing. During the past five years, encryption technology has become easily available to both individuals and businesses, affording them a level of security formerly available in military, national security, and law enforcement agencies.  This availability and the desirability of encrypting some communications is just starting to be generally recognized by American business, and the encryption market is just now beginning to emerge as a significant part of the computer security market.  As a result, a debate within the United States about the proper balance of national security, law enforcement, and personal freedom has been initiated.  Law enforcement and national security agencies would like to maintain tight control over civilian encryption technologies, while industry and individual privacy rights advocates fight to expand their ability to distribute and use cryptographic products as they please.  As the Internet expands, encryption policy is becoming an important public policy issue that increasingly engages the attention of the public and all branches of government.  This section will address and analyze the many issues behind each facet of the emerging public policy.

1.) The Evolution of Encryption Technology
2.) Export controls
3.) Market
4.) Public Policy Issues
5.) Legislation

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