Etonism, the philosophy of tolerant reason as suggestion in Angola after-War
By: Antonio Tomas Ana and Patricio Batsikama
Keyword: Etonism, Philosophy of Art, Aesthetics
Resume: António Tomas Ana «ETONA» is Angolan artist since 1975-1980. After military services in Kuito Kuanavale (in his country) where he saws and meditated several kinds of injustice, discrimination, tribalism, etc. he dreamed to fight against these. Since 1991 he paints and sculpts artworks which messages call the attention of peoples about their social harmony. Then, he currently exhibits not only his artworks but, essentially, his philosophy. He saves from harm the minority in opposition to the majority; his defends the fragile against to the strong; he protects the stupid alongside to the intelligent, using the third element of equilibrium. Today there are many people in this current. This is the philosophy of tolerant reason that Angola may use for After-War period.
Etymologically, the term etonism flows from the nickname of "Etona" that means flag, marks, evidence, reason in Kikôngo. That term has a variant in Umbûndu: etonolo or etonuilo, it means, allegations, reasons, indulgence (tolerance). With those senses, the Nyaneka form is etŏnya. Those significances constitute the essence of the etonism: 1) reasons, 2) allegations, 3) indulgence, 4) evidence that generates 5) the justice and the tolerance.
Etonism identifies 1) racism, 2) tribalism and 3) discrimination as serious sequels of neo-colonialism, and calls the attention of peoples of Angola, using roots of angolanity (as up-mentioned) maybe their take care and safeguard a harmonious society in the future. It suggests the tolerant reason or allegations or yet indulgences as one of the main form (1. The according to the Angolan realities.) of safeguarding the harmonious society.